The five jumper blocks on the 12 bit data acquisition adapter must be configured correctly in accordance with the operating system you are using.

JP1 (Jumper 1)
Determines A/D input voltage range.

JP2 (Jumper 2)
Determines unipolar or bipolar.

JP3 (Jumper 3)
Determines input mode.

JP4 (Jumper 4)
Determines I/O port address.

JP5 (Jumper 5)
Determines AD526 (gain control factor) is used.

Configuration for Jumper
It is important to refer to the user manual supplied with your operating system to determine the correct configuration. Please contact your supplier if you have any difficulties with configuration.
Please refer to the following settings for each switch and jumper block. If you are installing more than one board, do not duplicate jumper settings for any parameter.
1.I/O Port Address
JP4 is used to select the base I/O address of the card.  You may set the base I/O address range from 000H to 3F0H in increments of F Hex.  Observe the figure below.  To short a pin means that you set it as 0, while removing the jumper means that you just set it to 1.  (A9, A8) (i.e. 0 to 3) represents the first digit of I/O address.  (A7, A6, A5, A4) represents the second digit of the I/O address (i.e. 0 to F).  The third digit of the I/O address is always 0.
If the rectangle is shaded it means that the jumper is shorted with a value of 0 otherwise it is 1. In the figure above you can see that A4 to A8 is shaded and that A9 have to dots inside the rectangle.  Since A4 to A7 is shaded and it represents the second digit of the base address of the card then its value will be 0.  For the first digit however, A8 is shaded which gives it a bit value of 0 and A9 will have a bit value of 1.  So the first digit will then be equal to 2.  The third digit will automatically be equal to 0.  The base address of the above figure is 200 Hex, which is the default address of the card.

Addressing Example:
2.Voltage Range
JP1 is used to select a range of inputs from 0 to 10 volts or to a maximum voltage of 20 volts.  Shorting pin1 and pin2 will have a voltage range of 10 volts, while shorting pin2 and pin3 will have a voltage range of 20 volts. 
Jumper Voltage Range
short 1, 2 10 Volts
short 2, 3 20 Volts

3.Unipolar or bipolar
Selects unipolar/bip olar of A/D channels.  Shorting pin 1 and pin 2 selects bipolar setting, while shorting pin 2 and pin 3 selects a unipolar setting.

   short 1, 2  
short 2, 3 unipolar
The combination of voltage range and polarity are shown in the following:
Voltage Range
Short 1,2 Short 1,2 -5V to 5V
Short 1,2 Short 2,3 0V to 10V
Short 2,3 Short 1,2 -10V to 10V
Short 2,3 Short 2,3 0V to 20V

Input Mode
Setting the jumper to pin 1 and pin 2 will ground the input value, so the data that will be converted should also be 0.  This setting is used whenever we need to calibrate the VR or variable resistors so that the minimum voltage will be attained.

Shorting jumper to pin 2 and pin 3 will make use of the channel inputs to be read and converted.

Jumper Input Mode
short 1, 2 Ground
short 2, 3 Channel Input

5.Programmable Gain Control Factor (AD526)

The JP5 is used to select programmable gain control factor, when not short the jumper, it enable AD526, otherwise short the pin means no AD526 work.
Jumper AD526
   no AD526  
not short
I/O Address Specification
The I/O address specification are shown in the following:

For READ input

port + 0:  input A/D low byte data.
port + 1:  input A/D high byte data.
port + 2:  read back control signal for data conversion.
port + 4:  d
igital I/O channel 1.
port + 5:  digital I/O channel 2.
port + 6:  digital I/O channel 3.
port + 7:  digital I/O channel 4.
port + 8:  counter 0 I/O buffer (8254 IC).
port + 9:  counter 1 I/O buffer (8254 IC).
port + A:  counter 2 I/O buffer (8254 IC).
port + B:  counter control register (8254 IC).

For WRITE output

port + 0:  select  A/D   channel   number  and   enable/disable   the   selected channel.
port + 1:  select IRQ and select control method.
port + 2:  start data conversion.
port + 3:  output signal to reset/retrigger IRQ.
port + 4:  digital I/O channel 1.
port + 5:  digital I/O channel 2.
port + 6:  digital I/O channel 3.
port + 7:  digital I/O channel 4.
port + 8:  counter 0 I/ O buffer (8254 IC).
port + 9:  counter 1 I/O buffer (8254 IC).
port + A:  counter 2 I/O buffer (8254 IC).
port + B:  counter control register (8254 IC).
VR Full Scalar Adjustment
VR Number Function
VR1 A/D bipolar offset voltage
VR2 AD574 reference voltage
VR3 A/D unipolar offset voltage
VR4 Offset voltage of LF398
VR1 is used to adjust the A/D bipolar offset voltage.  JP2 should be set to pin 1 and 2 short before measuring the voltage input.  After doing so, you can check if the values you get is half the input voltage by placing the multimeter probe to ground and pin 12 of AD574 (U26).

VR2 is used to adjust the reference voltage of AD574.  The probe of the multimeter should be at the AD574 pin 10 (U26) and ground.  The value that you will read from the multimeter is 10 volts, otherwise you should adjust the variable resistor (VR2).

VR3 is used to adjust the A/D unipolar offset voltage.  JP2 should be set to pin 2 and 3 short before measuring the voltage input.  After doing so, you can check if the values you get is the same as the input voltage.  You can test it by placing the multimeter probe to ground and pin 12 of AD574 (U26).

VR4 is used to adjust the offset voltage of LF398, to do so, one must short JP3 to pin 1 and 2, and make sure that JP2 is shorted at pin 2 and 3 (i.e. in the unipolar mode).  After doing so, you should place the multimeter probe or any digital voltage reading device to ground and to LF398 pin 5 (U22) or JP1 pin 2 position.  The value that you will get should be zero voltage, if not, you can adjust the VR4 to get the desired value.
Pin Assignments
1. DB25 Pin Assignments for A/D (J3)
Pin Function Pin Function
1 +12 V 14 4D1
2 GND 15 4D2
3 +12 V 16 4D3
4 GND 17 4D4
5 3D0 18 4D5
6 3D1 19 4D6
7 3D2 20 4D7
8 3D3 21 J3-21
9 3D4 22 J3-22
10 3D5 23 +5 V
11 3D6 24 GND
12 3D7 25 -12 V
13 4D0 26 GND